Sunday, January 10, 2016

Catching Up

I'm behind on posting, but I have been stitching.

Let's see.  I think I need to post Day 8.  I worked on Have YoursELF a Merry Christmas.

Here's a picture of the completed piece:

And a picture of my start:

Day 9 found me working on Traveling with Santa.  Here's the completed piece:
And a picture of my start:

Day 10 found me working on Nothing is Impossible. 
Here's a picture of my start:

I know it's a very small start.  It's kind of hard to sneak in stitching on the weekends. 

Well, I have 5 more days left of new projects.  I have been working on a rotation plan so I can hopefully finish most of the pieces in 2016.  At least that's the goal.  One big piece I know will not be finished in 2016.  More on that later. 


1 comment:

  1. More cute little projects. I especially like the elves! :)
